TURNKEY PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TOOLKITS--Guides and templates to help managers and consultants assess the delivery of programs and services in the public sector.
TURNKEY PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TOOLKITS--Guides and templates to help managers and consultants assess the delivery of programs and services in the public sector.
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Examples of risks related to the executive services function.
This chart identifies examples of risks addressed by the executive services function in the public sector.
This chart provides a summary template for the risk profile for the executive services function in the public sector.
This chart provides an example of the templates for more detailed profiles or descriptions of the executive services risks identified.

Executive Services Risk Profiling Template (9 slides)

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The executive services function typically entails: coordinating requests for quick turnaround information at senior levels of the organization; arranging meetings with senior officials and other stakeholders; coordinating horizontal and sensitive issues, briefings and organizational responses; liaison with external stakeholders; and secretariat support to management committees.

What are the key risks related to the delivery of the executive services function?  Examples of risks include:  adverse impact on the credibility of the organization; incomplete or unreliable information; missed deadlines; security of information; change in government or ministers not handled effectively.

The executive services risk profiling template will help you to identify and assess risks and mitigation measures.

A summary risk template identifies examples of executive services risks and mitigation measures that would need to be assessed in terms of impact, likelihood, trend, and priority based on the mitigation gaps (see preview charts).

Slides are also provided for more detailed profiles or descriptions of the risks identified, including the risk owner, risk description, risk drivers, evidence of the scope of the risk/ risk indicators, impact, likelihood, trend, existing mitigation measures, mitigation gaps and actions required, and priority  (see preview chart example).

The template is fully editable and intended to encourage managers and staff to hold regular discussions on the risks faced and whether the mitigation measures are adequate.

You instantly receive an email with a link to download the template (9 slides) in a PowerPoint editable format.

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