TURNKEY PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TOOLKITS--Guides and templates to help managers and consultants assess the delivery of programs and services in the public sector.
TURNKEY PUBLIC MANAGEMENT TOOLKITS--Guides and templates to help managers and consultants assess the delivery of programs and services in the public sector.
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Delivery Model Assessment

Assess how programs/services are delivered within a government agency, and consider options in terms of delivery models.

Delivery models in government are rapidly changing

With changes in technology, greater opportunities and challenges, evolving client expectations and increased capabilities of service providers and partners, government agencies are implementing new ways of delivering their programs and services that are more responsive, efficient and effective. 

Delivery models may include digital delivery, organizational restructuring, new job designs, centralization/decentralization, shared service delivery, public-private partnerships, single window delivery, partnerships between government agencies,  new funding mechanisms, partial or full privatization.  Delivery model options are typically examined as part of initiatives to improve service levels, responsiveness and efficiency.

Delivery model assessment guide, checklist and template

  • A generic delivery model option assessment tool provides a high level work plan as well as summary checklists at each stage of the assessment.

  • Delivery model option assessment tools for 15 functions.  Each tool includes a summary work plan, service delivery model examples or key considerations specific to the function, a checklist to help assess the current delivery model, a suggested profile to describe the delivery model options, an assessment process, and an outline of the implementation plan to make the transition to the new delivery model.  The delivery model option assessment guide is also provided.

  • The delivery model option assessment guide presents guiding principles, a work plan and describes the key elements of a delivery model assessment.  

Upon purchase, you will instantly receive an email with a link to download the selected tool in a PowerPoint editable format (or the Guide in a Word editable format).

Key steps of a delivery model assessment

  • Assess how well the current delivery model is working (typically done through interviews, workshops and surveys with clients, stakeholders and in-house staff)

  • Identify the full range of potential delivery models (often done through benchmark comparisons with similar organizations in other jurisdictions).  The tools help to ensure a consistent approach in defining the delivery model options.

  • Assess the delivery model options based on a clear and agreed upon assessment framework and criteria (these will evolve over the duration of the assessment as more information becomes available)

  • Develop an implementation plan for the transition to the selected delivery model.