Accommodation Management Organization Design Template (15 slides)
Establish the optimal organization design for the accommodation/facilities management function. What parts of the accommodation management function should be delivered centrally or decentralized? Which services should be funded centrally or provided on a cost recovery basis? Who should be responsible for the management of specialized facilities? What will be the impact of COVID-19 on the accommodation/facilities management function?
Accommodation management typically entails: accommodation planning, realty services, project delivery, engineering, design and technical services, property management and building operations, fit-ups, tenant services, physical and personal security, security clearances, business continuity planning, health and safety, ergonomics, and telecommunications.
Accommodation/facilities management organization design template
Template to help design the accommodation/facilities management organization, addressing the following elements:
- Scope of accommodation management activities, objectives and outcomes
- The case for change—strengths, weaknesses and key challenges
- Accommodation management trends, strategic directions and priorities
- Key accommodation management capabilities required
- Organizational design criteria
- Stakeholders and their responsibilities for accommodation management
- Stakeholder expectations of accommodation management
- Demand for accommodation management support and workload trends
- Accommodation management activities, tasks, outputs and resources required
- Accommodation management delivery model options (see preview charts)
- Alignment of functions with the preferred service delivery model
- Key positions, and skills and competencies required in the way ahead.
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Accommodation/facilities management organizational models
How should the accommodation management function be organized? Delivery models found in government typically include:
Decentralized delivery model. Each organization manages its own accommodation/facilities and budget. Overseeing central agency establishes accommodation standards and policies.
Mixed model. Common services agency manages part of the accommodation portfolio; some organizations manage their own facilities.
Mandatory centralized service model. Common services agency manages accommodation portfolio; client organizations control funding but must use common services agency.
Centralized delivery model. Common services agency allocates and manages accommodation portfolio on behalf of client organizations and manages funding government-wide.