Templates to Help Assess the International Affairs Function (10 tools)
The international affairs function typically entails international policy advice and planning; coordinating bilateral and multilateral relations; developing and implementing cooperation agreements; managing incoming and outgoing international visits; managing international projects; and promoting the country abroad.
The following templates are available to help assess the delivery of the international affairs function in government agencies:
- Functional review of international affairs
- International affairs organizational capability assessment
- Assessing service delivery models for the international affairs function
- Design of the international affairs organization
- Benchmarking of international affairs common/best practices
- Strategic and business planning for the international affairs function
- Operational planning for the international affairs function
- Baseline assessment/ spending review of the international affairs function
- Profiling risks pertaining to the delivery of international affairs
- Measuring the performance of international affairs.
Learn more about each template in the description provided. Upon purchase, you will receive an email with a link to download the selected template in a PowerPoint editable format.